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Host vpn-to-gate.f1shs - (Routing-Tunnel)

Link to hamnet-internet gate

Last edited 2021-11-16 by f6cnb
Site of this host:
Callsign M Location Name Maintainer User access Comment Edited
f1shs F1SHS QTH f6cnb,f1shs Local WiFi WebSite 546d f1shs
1 entry.
Surrounding subnets:
Subnet-IP Type Own AS Parent Radio parameters / Comment Edited      Service-Network - AS64746 internet BGP announced french subnet 1069d f6cnb
1 entry.
Surrounding AS:
AS Name Maintainer Comment Edited
AS64746 France (Internet BGP) f6cnb,f1tzv Main AS for new subnet which is announced on Internet 1069d f6cnb
1 entry.